And, well, like
Sunday, February 26, 2012 @ 1:40 AM
Okay, when you held my hand I was all like, "Oh, okay. Sure. I can do that. Simple."
And then you asked me if I'd like to go out sometime. So I was all like, "Um, well, haha, we'll see."
It was 10% coy flirt and
90% "I don't really think I want to."
I am enjoying being single. That is the truth.
Truth is, I like flirting. Truth is, I enjoy crushes and touches and not being held back by relationship responsibilities.
But, like, how can I say no? How do I say no? You are so fucking nice.
I'm sure you'd treat me good.
But you're young, and.......... so goddamn
Can't I just hold onto my singleness for a little while longer? Can't I just be me and free for a bit? Can't I just flirt with whomever I want to without you all touchy-touchy?
How do I say no to you? I wish I didn't have to.
But I'm picky.
And I'm needy.
And I'm not a nice person.
And I can't be in a relationship with you, when all I can think about is myself.