Jumping Jacks
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 @ 9:18 PM
While drinking lattes and brushing snow off my nose I thought of you.
As I strolled across busy streets, passing Asians and Homosexual men in orange cashmere vests, I thought of you.
When the Skull Candy-wearing Aussie chatted with me about backpacks and whether skiing was better at shredding the slopes than boarding, you were on my mind.
Children laughed while petting dogs a familiar color and berets were worn over dreadlocks, Kinder Surprise chocolate met overdrawn bank card and sexual jokes introduced Swiss blueberry bathsalts, and I was thinking of you.
Songs played over the radio. On Disk. On Stereo. On Loudspeakers. On MP3.
In my head.
Mickey Mouse ears and Zebra high-heels.
Flashing green lights and spaghetti.
I dreamt of you when I nodded off in the passenger seat, warm, gloves in hand.